Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art, developed by Ueshiba Morihei in the middle of the 20th century on the basis of concepts from traditional Japanese martial arts. Aikido deflects aggressive energies of an attack and redirects them, in a well-dosed manner, back to the attacker(s). As a consequence, Aikido techniques, mostly throws and pins, do not require much physical force and can be mastered even without particular physical strength.
However, the techniques are (luckily) not trivial to learn and to perform, which offers practitioners ample opportunities to improve their body coordination, agility, and overall physical constitution.
In Gilching, we are practicing Aikido as it has been handed down by Saito Morihiro, the longest-term student of the Aikido founder Ueshiba Morihei. Our practice comprises both body and weapon (wooden sword and staff) techniques. If you are curious about Aikido, you’re welcome to stop by and watch or practice with us. Just drop us a mail to get in touch.